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SD 12 – Torrey Westrom

Brief info

Torrey Westrom is a lifelong, proven conservative with a record of creating rural jobs while ensuring government operates within its means. First elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives at the age of 23, Westrom has fought and defended conservative principles in the state legislature.

Westrom entered politics to make a difference. During his time at the statehouse, he has diligently fought for smaller government, rural job opportunities and conservative, common-sense solutions.

Westrom grew up in Willmar and Elbow Lake, and at the age of fourteen lost his vision in a farm-related accident. As a result of the accident and accompanying loss of sight, Westrom did not give up on his High School athletic career; rather, he persevered by moving from the basketball team to becoming an accomplished wrestler. In 2012, he was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame and received the Medal of Courage Award. Westrom continues to serve as a passionate advocate of independent living and employment opportunities for those with disabilities.

Torrey and his wife Anna own and operate a family business and reside in Alexandria with their three children. An attorney, Westrom received his law degree from William Mitchell Law School in St. Paul.

Senator Westrom in the news

Map of Minnesota Senate Districts with Senate District 12 highlighted

Minnesota Senate District 12

Senate District 12 includes:

  • Big Stone County
  • Portions of Douglas County
  • Pope County
  • Portions of Stearns County
  • Stevens County
  • Swift County
More details on Senate District 12 are available here.

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